Restored and Bored

I don’t like Core and Restore yoga. That could change with time of course, but I’m really happy to report I don’t need much restoration right now. Life is good! Joints are limber! I slept well last night on our new two-inch mattress topper! I went to class in the name of my open mind and research, and left feeling like I needed to go do yoga. Maybe it’s me. Probably is. The name and description kind of give it away, so I shouldn’t be surprised that class mostly involved lounging around on props and covering ourselves with these thick striped blankets that reminded me of Mom’s kitchen rug when I was growing up. Minus the cookie crumbs of course.

So props. I’ve always had a strange relationship with bolsters both big and small. Just at the moment when the ding of the instructor’s singing bowl invites us to be all Zen and meditative on our bolsters both big and small, all I can think of is a giant girlie pillow fight (think Animal House). And then when we actually lay on them to do fish pose all I can think of is a dog humping a football. And then when we actually get into the pose all I can think about is that I’m bored, not restored. If I sneak a peak of the studio I’m agitated by the visual clutter of everyone’s props and have a nagging desire to tidy up this messy communal bedroom that feels anything but relaxing and restorative. Again, it’s me not you.

But I play along. Attempt every pose with true mindfulness. Get what I can out of it. Learn. Explore. Appreciate that there truly is something for everyone when it comes to yoga. And then when I text to tell you about it you summarize, “Like lamaz without the pregnancy?” and I’m treated to the best laughing-inducted core and restore workout ever.

(Written in the Sunshine State – 2018)